Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Future of The HR Profession

The HR profession continually seeks for more relevance and influence in the C-Suite and in companies across the world. At times it is useful to step back and look to the future for guidance on the best course for the present. This post will focus on the "Future of the HR Profession". I am convinced that if you spend the time to go through this material that your outlook on your career and profession will be invigorated. Make it happen in 2010.
1. Society of Human Resource Management study from 2001 "The Future of the HR Profession"
2. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Advisory Board :The Future of the HR Profession"
3. Workforce Management Magazine: "HR Leaders Brainstorm The Professions Future"
4. "The Future of the HR Profession" Powerpoint from HRMBA Blog
5. "The Future of HR", Dr. Peter Saul Powerpoint Presentation
6. The HR Profession Skill Map of The Future - CIPD
7. Survey of Global HR Challenges - PriceWaterhouseCoopers
8. Future HR Strategy and Planning - Human Resource Planning Society
9. Building the Perfect HR Professional for 2010 and Beyond - HRM Today Blog
10. HR is Dead...Long Live HR - Workforce Management Magazine

Worth a look.

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